Dincher & Dincher strives to provide the utmost in knowledge and experience form our staff. We are proud to have three Certified Arborists on staff, as well as a Board Certified Master Arborist. Certification guarantees dedication to proper tree care using the current accepted methods.
Bernard Dincher
Bernard Dincher became a Board Certified Master Arborist in 2004. He is one of the first 10 worldwide to be given the exam and passed. Bernie became a Certified Arborist in 1993, the first year available nationwide, and a Utility Specialist in 1996. He has 35 plus years of experience in all phases of tree care and Urban Forestry. Specialties include hazard tree assessment and remediation, diagnosis of tree problems, developing planting plans, and cost estimating.
Diane Dincher
Diane Dincher has passed the Certified Arborist Exam and is now our fourth Certified Arborist on staff. Diane is our company office manager and helps coordinate crews and sales of tree work and consulting services. Congratulations to Diane from the entire staff of Dincher and Dincher.
Jake Dincher
Jake has been working with trees since he has been 14 years old. He has a four year degree in Agricultural Science from Penn State, and became a Certified Arborist in 2007.
Shawn Dalton
Shawn has an Associate degree in Forestry from Penn College of Technology, joining our team in 2009. After a few months with another company Shawn rejoined our group last August. He has been performing pruning and removals as a climber as well as aerial lift operator. Shawn passed his certification in April 2011 after attending the Arborist Short Course offered by Penn State Cooperative Extension in Luzerne County. Shawn is also a licensed pesticide applicator.